5 Healthy Tips for Holiday Travel
As the winter holidays roll around, many are traveling to visit with family and friends. But that doesn’t mean you have to take a break from your health and fitness goals.
Here are some tips for staying healthy on the road...
Plane Icon
If you’re flying, eat before you get to the airport, or bring along a healthy snack.
Car Icon
If you’re driving, pack healthy food and drinks. If you get fast food, make healthy choices like grilled chicken, salads with dressing on the side, plain baked potatoes, and steamed or grilled veggies.
Gym Icon
Try to book a hotel that is near a gym or do a Zumba® workout in your hotel room.
Walking Icon
Do a lot of your sightseeing on foot or bike. Need some new kicks? Check out the discounts on Sketchers® by logging in to your ChooseHealthy® account. 
Golf Icon
If your hotel has tennis courts or golf courses, rent a racquet or a set of clubs. You could track your steps and performance by wearing a PIQ® sport sensor.